Find out how more than 100+ doctors are adding an additional 7 figures to their practice.
3 Ways to Add an Additional 6 Figures to Your Medical Practice's Bottom Line in The Next 12 Months AT NO COST
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Join A1C'S Study Club to get access to 3 ways you can earn an additional 6 figures to your practice in the next 12 months at NO COST TO THE BOSS 
What is A1C's Study Club?
Our team of physician’s consultants, tax credit experts, attorneys, Health & Life insurance brokers, and financial planners form a collective known as A1C’s Study Club, with 1 goal:
To help medical facility owners add value to their patient’s lives while increasing their bottom line. Better patient outcomes. Better Treatment. Better care.

Our Wheelhouse
A1C's Study Club offers a wide variety of different products and services that can be added to increase revenue in your practice.
Lab Watchdog Solutions
We get you access to over 3000 Genetic Lab screenings including:
Hereditary Cancer screenings (CGX)
Toxicology Confirmation
Adverse medication screenings (PGX)
Clinical Chemistry & Hematology

Analytical Screenings
This medical system is a powerful analytical tool that performs a thorough assessment of the patient’s health within minutes. Scientifically validated and FDA approved, this medical system runs several tests to swiftly assess cardiovascular and circulatory system health, without pain. Most importantly, this system is fast, non-invasive and takes less than 10 minutes to complete an assessment, so there will be no discomfort for patients.
Knee Injections
FDA-approved, non-surgical knee protocol that is covered by insurance.

*$5,000 average per knee injection reimbursement. 20 days a month. No practice in our 227 facility Nationwide Network grossed less than $1.1M in 2017 using our protocol. 

Tax records available upon request.

Commercial Coverage
A1C has created a smart and convenient way for small businesses to get coverage at an affordable rate. With commercial contracts with over 30 of the largest carriers on Earth, we make them compete along the lines of value and price for our client’s business. We’ve turned a time consuming and costly insurance process to a short and simple task for you.
Tax Credits
Get a portion of the money that you’ve already spent back from your commercial real estate purchases, improvements, hiring/training, etc.
Medical Facilities typically achieve the following specialized tax incentives and corporate expense reduction averages:

What page is YOUR practice on?
New micro-niched clients through your door equals new revenue.
$10 per key phrase (not per key word) that ranks on page 1 of each desired search engine, billed monthly. Never pay-per-click again!
Rank organically on page one of search engines or never pay a penny!

Clinical Information Form
Affordable 1 Care’s Physicians Consultants will help show you how to significantly increase your revenue in a short time. We provide assistance through every stage of the implementation and managing of every service, product or solution we offer. Contact a A1C's Physicians Consultant NOW to get started.
“I have known and utilized the professional services of Lance Liberti for the past 5 years. In every instance, his services meet or exceeded my expectation. Recently, we added a medically integrated OA component to our practice. With Lances’ help we skyrocketed right out of the gate and are on pace for an additional $2 million dollars in services in 2015. Thank you Lance!!!”
Dr. Ken Vinton
Owner, Pain Relief & Wellness Strategies Center - Grove City, PA
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